So I haven't written in a little while and I want to get back into posting regularly! So here it goes, a little update on things so far. I don't think there's much point presenting everything has been perfect because it hasn't. That's just life though, things do go up and down and I think it's just about accepting that that's it's okay. We're allowed to feel sad and to struggle a little more. That's the thing with recovery it's not linear, it goes up and down and all over the place! After spending 3 and a half years being told what to do and When to do it was a big adjustment when I got home with all the freedom that it includes. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love being at home but it's just so different from the structure and rules of an inpatient ward. So when I left the eating disorder unit food started to become a bit of a struggle. I was just unsure about what to eat and when to eat it. I wanted to prove to everyone I was better than everyone said I was. That I was fine with my relationship with food and I wanted to destroy that 'anorexic' part of me.
Well i'm Poppy, i'm 18 and i've been struggling with mental health problems for quite a few years now. So i thought i would start this blog to tell my story as i thought it might be helpful for anyone going through something similar or has friends or family struggling too. I often see 'recovery' Instagram and Tumblr accounts that simply aren't about recovery at all. I promise this blog will be positive and i hope to be able to show recovery really is possible if you want it enough. All my love pops x
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