So today i am finally going home. Its the day i have been looking forward to for months and months. I was allowed home for three hours on my birthday but i had two psychiatric nurses with me. It was very strange and that was the weirdest birthday party i think i will ever have! Walking through the front door was an amazing feeling, i was greeted by my very excited dog Tilly. I've spent a large amount of time just going through all my things from hospital. All my lovely little notes, cards and presents. I never knew how much stuff i managed to collect. It brought back lots of memories good and bad. Most of all it just made me see how ready i am to move on with my life. So its now all neatly put away in boxes that i can look through in the future if i want to. I am finding it quite strange as i have never actually lived in this house, I've never slept in this bed or spent time in my room, so its all really new. I feel a little silly having to constantly ask where things are ...
🌸A positive recovery blog telling my story as I fight mental illness🌸