This is my first blog post for a while, so here’s a little update. It’s written by me and Chloe after an amazing weekend last week full of challenges but we sailed through. Together we share a lot of difficulties, when we speak about our past and current struggles it’s like looking in a mirror. Together we make each other so much stronger. Being best friends we find doing challenges we both fear much more beneficial and rewarding when we succeed together. We turn negative associations and memories into positive achievements. We often sit back and reminisce on how we used to present and act to others. “Crazy” some people might describe. We can now giggle about the little moments of crisis which we think is a good way to deal and recognise the recent past. You could say we have a very dark sense of humour at times but you kind of have too in these situations! We shock ourselves on how far we truly have come. We aren’t free of all our struggles and fears but oh my we are miles ahead of t...
🌸A positive recovery blog telling my story as I fight mental illness🌸